Film Making On A Small Budget...Zombie Apocalypse

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Sep 25, 2014
A sort of add-on to Peter's thread here, 'Where Will It All End?'

Here's a home grown movie in the offing on a tiny budget...shooting was due to start today in Lancaster but has had to be postponed till later in the month. Shoot locations: Lancaster, Manchester, Liverpool, London.

My Drama sprog is going to be an extra, being a prisoner, a prison warder or riot police, yet to be determined. Likewise she doesn't know yet whether she will be zombiefied or a zombie victim.
Very cool, actually. Love the way indie film has been enabled by new tech (although many bottlenecks remain in the system, notably distribution). Hope it’s another Blair Witch, financed on credit cards...
@Emurelda The film is due for release this year, I think. (Add because I forgot to answer) )She actually played RIOT POLICE, howl. Combat workshop helped a bit but it was tough, fighting off full grown men zombies with a riot shield.

It gets better/worse. She is still studying FT but got a temporary part time job as a Halloween scare actor, as the horrific'Sister Golgotha.' Offensive on many levels...(her mamma here reaches for the smelling salts at the very idea).
Still, I am proud. It was her very first paid acting work. It was interactive with the audience, improvisation called for. It was quite physically demanding, often uncomfortable and with all manner of situations to deal with, off the cuff. Drunk people thinking to show how tough they were, taking the actors on, etc.

Here she is in zombie -ish, getting ready for work: and as Helga in Kindertransport and, on holiday waiting for her chocolate pudding, altogether...calmer? More polite?


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Zombie make up is good. That looks like so much fun. I am always encouraging young people to choose a career they'll enjoy. It's worth investing a few good years training yourself in the field you love rather than apply for the sake of high salary. It's not worth wasting our lives doing something we hate. I learnt that rather late but i always enjoy seeing others like your daughter aiming for their dreams. That's wonderful.
Aha...these were worse. She is learning media make-up as a side study, so will be learning to do film prosthetics later this month. Uni has been rather a shabby deal; a lot of money for scant industry training. Young people better not rely on that alone; need to do much more on top to stand a chance of getting where they want to go.


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