OK, it's time for me to admit that I am a total Luddite with regard to social media. I just feel very uncomfortable about having an electronic me 'out there', all soft and vulnerable. I joined Twitter once, released one tweet, realised it was totally not me and de-Twittered myself. Never felt so relieved. Never been on Facebook, and hate the idea of it--it just seems like a way to suck up your free time and generate irritation and annoyance. Why further complicate your life, I ask myself. But it seems like everyone does it, so I must be missing something. So can anyone tell me: why should I join Facebook? What is in it for me other than a loss of privacy and the presentation of an easy target for faceless trolls and flamers, or whatever they are called?
I COMPLETELY get this. I had to be almost forced to join FB and such by a writer whose book I edited. I really do consider it akin to public narcissism. But the writer was correct -- it really does help. I post my articles and usually little things to "be real." But I never, ever post anything actually personal.