Don't know where to start.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peter P. Rosato III
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I have to say, the trust is commendable! But Brian's right — anyone in the world can see it, download it, put their name on it, and publish it as their own work. More than one writer here (you included, right Brian?) have fallen prey to plagiarism like that.
Sorry, let me tell you about Litopia!

After you've been here a while and posted on the forum, sharing your ideas and methods and helping others to improve theirs, a private section only available to seasoned members will appear to you, where you can share your work and get critiques and advice from people you will have come to trust and respect.
Until then, any old thing can be talked about here in the public area, "Cafe Life." There is also a "Back Room" visible only to people with Litopia profiles, where you can talk about ideas or concepts you might not necessarily want the general public to see, but you still wouldn't want to put your work there — anyone can make a Litopia profile as well. Then there's "The Whole Writer," were we talk about ourselves instead of our writing, what writers like, what they don't, etc. Finally, there's Flash Club, where we have fun with little mini-short story projects to experiment and hone our craft.
But Brian's right — anyone in the world can see it, download it, put their name on it, and publish it as their own work.
Not me, Jason, but it certainly has happened to others. If you are happy just giving your book to the world, Peter, it's fine, but if you hope to get it published or to publish it yourself at some point, it's sensible not to share it with literally anyone this way.
Sure Peter! Maybe someone will. I would read posts by fellow Litopians about how to send query letters to agents, or how to self-publish, and you'll be well on your way! We're here to help.
Hi @Peter P. Rosato III and welcome. :)

You might want to read THIS first as our forum owner, @AgentPete, has laid out the rules about posting pieces for critique or general feedback, as well as the expectations of all members of this community.

This is a public forum and it's not the place to post your manuscript for the reasons other have stated, and because as the link I posted indicates, this is a community, not merely a place where people post work.

Tell us about yourself. Get to know people. Interact. Become part of the community. There is a lot here to help you on your way toward publication. :) And by the way, congrats on finishing your novel!
It's okay — just hit "edit," at the bottom of the post, and when you see the file hit "delete" next to it. Then you'll be fine.

But make sure you still have the file on your computer, where you left it, before you do.
I think I figured it out.
OK. Let' start again. Decades ago I would lay awake nights with this story rolling around in my head. Early in my life I spent time in places like Somali, India, Pakistan and many others. I believe these experiences fueled the thought process. When I finally had idle time, around mid-life, I disciplined myself into a schedule to put it in writing.little did I know that this endeavor would be decades long. No small task.
I still have stories rolling around in my head.
I love stories influenced by cultures about which I know very little — places like the Middle East, India, Africa... a traveller of the mind is a great thing to be.
Best place is to tell us a little about you. Who you are, what you write, where you are in your writing, etc.

That said, a very hearty welcome to you. We're a rowdy bunch, but we don't bite :)
*Cough* Don't believe everything that's written, oh, and welcome ;-) lol
As for what we do? If you read the posts you'll see we discuss everything about writing, and sometimes about other things. We help each other when we get stuck, and throw ideas (and sometimes cake) back and forth.
*Cough* Don't believe everything that's written, oh, and welcome ;-) lol
As for what we do? If you read the posts you'll see we discuss everything about writing, and sometimes about other things. We help each other when we get stuck, and throw ideas (and sometimes cake) back and forth.
I like cake.
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