Describing Words—Adjective Generator

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If you're fumbling for the right word to describe a noun, then this useful tool could be just what you need:

Decribing Words - Find Adjectives to Describe Things

Put together by Joseph Rocca, his Related Words engine is worth clicking on too.

Curious about him, I Googled away and found his blog, which has an eerie word counter and analyser called Count Wordsworth.

I must say I quite like it! It works for my kids books! Thanks! A teacher friend had already mentioned to me these readability scores. Apparently, it´s a big thing in the US and Scholastic uses it to decide whether to buy or not. It will all depend on their ability to sell it to public schools.
Mine ranked as 10th grade, ( 15 yrs olds) which is a bit higher than I expected, but it is actually my MC´s age, so it seems appropriate.
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I like it, thanks :) don't get me wrong I wouldn't write each word based on it, but when I'm struggling for the right word, and it's one I know and feel scratching at my brain and failing to emerge, it's the exact kind of thing I need. (and often use my favoured thesaurus, usually without result, for) I'm not saying it'll have the words I want, but another source is always great.
Thanks for sharing
And I also got a "depressed segmental" window...Oh, I think you've found another brilliant internet time-waster, @Paul Whybrow! I wonder what else it can come up with...:D

I put in 'Author'—it came up with many describing words, including 'french homosexual' (!), 'ambiguous royal' (?) and 'often dull' (never!).

Then I saw 'blasphemous and bloody minded'—that's me!
I like it, thanks :) don't get me wrong I wouldn't write each word based on it, but when I'm struggling for the right word, and it's one I know and feel scratching at my brain and failing to emerge, it's the exact kind of thing I need. (and often use my favoured thesaurus, usually without result, for) I'm not saying it'll have the words I want, but another source is always great.
Thanks for sharing

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