Life is just a bit of shit
When you really look at it
Monty Python
Helpppp. Is that show or telllllll. I don't knowwwww.
I do like empty space in writing. We've all seen moonlight., to supply our own vision (except for the folk with that thingie someone was talking about...where you can't create mental pictures.)
I only need to be shown the glint on broken glass to warn me the character/I might step on it. You know, skulking about in the moonlight like I do.
Old Romany saying, 'the sun shines on mud but doesn't get muddy.'
The moonlight has its limits. It's not going to help me out, and do something really kind and helpful, like show me where the dog poo is.
And there is bound to be dog poo in the story.
Like Monty Python said, it comes in so many guises. The poo, that is.
Hamlet sees a ghost.
We are told he sees it.
Maybe we are shown it too, on stage or on film depending on the production.
But the crucial thing in the story, the roots of the ensuing tragedy are in the empty gap. The horrific doubt, the toxic suspicion.
The stink of murder, evil and treachery.
The stink of shit.

When you really look at it
Monty Python
Helpppp. Is that show or telllllll. I don't knowwwww.
I do like empty space in writing. We've all seen moonlight., to supply our own vision (except for the folk with that thingie someone was talking about...where you can't create mental pictures.)
I only need to be shown the glint on broken glass to warn me the character/I might step on it. You know, skulking about in the moonlight like I do.
Old Romany saying, 'the sun shines on mud but doesn't get muddy.'
The moonlight has its limits. It's not going to help me out, and do something really kind and helpful, like show me where the dog poo is.
And there is bound to be dog poo in the story.
Like Monty Python said, it comes in so many guises. The poo, that is.
Hamlet sees a ghost.
We are told he sees it.
Maybe we are shown it too, on stage or on film depending on the production.
But the crucial thing in the story, the roots of the ensuing tragedy are in the empty gap. The horrific doubt, the toxic suspicion.
The stink of murder, evil and treachery.
The stink of shit.