Brian Clegg
If you’ve a moment to spare, my popular science book review site is up for an award: you can vote here. All assistance gratefully received!
The site itself ( was an early realisation that, though it's useful for an author to have a website (and I do -, unless you are a big name, not many people are going to go looking for it. However, if you can get a site that is of interest to anyone liking your genre, it's a good way to keep in touch with a wider audience who would be interested in your writing... and it seems to work.
The site itself ( was an early realisation that, though it's useful for an author to have a website (and I do -, unless you are a big name, not many people are going to go looking for it. However, if you can get a site that is of interest to anyone liking your genre, it's a good way to keep in touch with a wider audience who would be interested in your writing... and it seems to work.