Amusement Corona-memes: A bit of a laugh during a time of plague.

When writers take risks and it rocks

Inspiration! Wolf-style love and the Lupercalia

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Or perhaps she could offer a large sum to take him off her hands? And a Christmas cake? He's very useful in the garden, I hear.
So that would make it rubbish disposal. (I'm just trying to get the wording right.)

May I suggest she try fly tipping. Much cheaper, well, free. And she could keep the cake for herself.

I'm sure as a useful gardener, he'd be happy to dig his own way out of the ditch.
Don't you just LOVE Litopia? (I know you do.) It makes conversations like this possible and life worth living.

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When writers take risks and it rocks

Inspiration! Wolf-style love and the Lupercalia
