Dandelion Break Boring Book Summary - A Challenge

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Nov 10, 2017
Meanwhile over on Instagram ...

Someone called Very British Problems (they're superb, so follow them) is doing a 'sum up a book in one sentence to make it boring' thing. I thought this would be fun to do here. So let me start.

Dude hates whale. (Moby Dick)

Woman looks after injured author (Misery)

Hotel caretaker becomes obsessed with Redrum (The Shining)

Jonny is finally here (also The Shining)

Over to you....
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A herbaceous border gets really out of hand. (The Day of The Triffids)

A bit like Mr Benn but without all the costume changes. (The Midnight Library)

A bunch of schoolkids learn some magic stuff. (The Harry Potter Series)

A young girl experiments with mind-altering substances. (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

What a disappointment - not even one spiny mammal at all. (Herzog)
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Girl gets rich guy (Pride and Prejudice)
Girl gets rich guy (Crazy Rich Asians)
Girl gets rich guy then dies (Anna Karenina)
Cop does their job (Silence of the Lambs)
Guy builds big building (Pillars of the Earth)

This is too much fun B, lol! But also good practice at learning how to learn to logline the opposite way and see how something boring can be turned into something interesting :)

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