As advised, I introduce myself

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Feb 13, 2018
West Cork, Ireland
I am a long term writer with loads of experience, including genre sales under my belt. Having recently come out of my shell I did a Masters in Creative Writing, just for the hell of it, and as part of a self-exposure to the outside literate world. I have discovered vast frustration in trying to break into the mainstream market - more novels in the cyber cupboard than I dare to admit - but I'm still trying. I found this site when searching online for agents in order to reach my yearly rejection quota. Anyone even vaguely interested in what I do can find a few self published works on Amazon, recently imposed on the world in the hope of positive feedback.
Congratulations on coming out of your shell! This is an excellent place in which to emerge :)
Welcome aboard. I like the random increments of price between your Kindle novels. Keep them guessing, I say!
Nice to meet ChrisLewando! I have lived in Somerset for some time, so I opened your novel about Mendip. The poem felt a bit heavy to be honest, but I’ll try a bit of the story.
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Nice to meet ChrisLewando! I have lived in Somerset for some time, so I opened your novel about Mendip. The poem felt a bit heavy to be honest, but I’ll try a bit of the story.
Nice to meet you. Thanks for looking... I lived in Wells/Shepton/Street for years, went caving on Mendip, played music in the back room at the Hunter's Lodge... but the story is aimed at Young Adults!
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