Amazing video - Former Prima Ballerina with Alzheimer's is played excerpt from Swan Lake

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Mar 1, 2020
Get a large box of tissues ready as this is an amazing video. I'm still in bits after watching it.

Briefly - This lady, Marta C. Gonzalez Valencia, was once a Prima Ballerina and in later life suffered from Alzheimer's.

She was played an excerpt from Swan Lake and it triggered long-dormant memories of when she used to perform the piece in venues around the world. The cut-in sections are actually her dancing the role in New York in the 60s .

So terribly sad and yet so wonderfully uplifting too. :(

Get a large box of tissues ready as this is an amazing video. I'm still in bits after watching it.

Briefly - This lady, Marta C. Gonzalez Valencia, was a once a prima ballerina and in later life suffered from Dementia.

She was played this excerpt from Swan Lake and it triggered long-dormant memories of when she used to perform the piece in venues around the world. The cut-in sections are actually her dancing the role in New York in the 60s .

So terribly sad and yet so wonderfully uplifting too. :(

Definitely need the tissues! Her expression at the end (an awareness of loss?) is gut-renching! :disappointed-face::heart:
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