Fanfare! 2-day online conference about writing for YA and MG

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@Hannah F I found this:

Ticket Costs:

Any and all revenue from the conference will be re-invested in 'Leaf Journal' to ensure its long-term feasibility, and to widen access to scholarly publishing.

1. Waged: £32.00

2. Waged (plus a voluntary donation of £10.00): £42.00

3. Unwaged/Low income (inc. Undergrad & Postgrad students): £22.00

4. Attendees in the Global South: £5.00

Sounds interesting!
@Hannah F I found this:

Ticket Costs:

Any and all revenue from the conference will be re-invested in 'Leaf Journal' to ensure its long-term feasibility, and to widen access to scholarly publishing.

1. Waged: £32.00

2. Waged (plus a voluntary donation of £10.00): £42.00

3. Unwaged/Low income (inc. Undergrad & Postgrad students): £22.00

4. Attendees in the Global South: £5.00

Sounds interesting!
Ah. Attendees in the global south. That's where the £5 applies.
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