£30,000 Short Story Award

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I need time to write a short story, or a time machine cause spare time is non-existent. Still we have to September so I'll work a miracle ;)
Stephen King - On Writing, says that writing a short story is the best way to get the creative juices flowing or to remove writer's block. He often closes his study door and spends his evenings spewing out a 3,000 word story on an idea he might have while out walking. Most them don't mount to much, but he says it's time well spent just like an athlete on a running track on a winter's morning. Then again, some of his biggest literary successes grew from his short stories ... we need go no further than the Green Mile.
Always check the entry requirements:
To be eligible, the author MUST have a record of prior publication in creative writing in the United Kingdom or Ireland. This means the author MUST have previously have had works of prose fiction, drama, or poetry published by an established publisher or an established printed magazine in the UK or Ireland, or broadcast by a national radio station in the UK or Ireland (see clause 3.6 in the Terms and Conditions for further details). For the avoidance of doubt NONE of the following will constitute a record of prior publication: - self-published material of any kind - work published using a print-on-demand service - work published via a commercial arrangement through which the publisher is paid by the author - online publication - a piece of creative writing pending publication - work published in a newspaper - work of broadcast television or film - feature writing - musical lyrics
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