Writing prompts

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E G Logan

Full Member
Nov 11, 2018
Liguria, Italy
I have a subscription to the US mag Poets & Writers. One of the features it carries, as well as long agent-interviews (not as many as hoped for when I subscribed...), is a weekly look at Writing Prompts, for fiction and non-fiction 'authors' and poetry-writers.

They have suggestions for writing/poetry exercises which I'm sure could be useful – I just don't feel I have time. But as plot devices...

I loved this week's three prompts. I've just used a version of the second one to solve a plot hitch very neatly. Dancing around the kitchen pleased.

"1. Crossing That Bridge: Write a poem about a bridge you’ve encountered, perhaps one you pass over frequently or one you once stood on while traveling.
2. Shoulder Surfer: Write a short story in which your protagonist peeks over the shoulder of a bystander and catches a glimpse of something unexpected on the person’s phone.
3. Wearing Language as Clothing: Write your own essay exploring thoughts, experiences, and inspirations on the relationship between language and fashion."
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