Writing plans for 2018?

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Oct 19, 2014
I know, God laughs and all that but what general hopes/aspirations/dreams do we all have for our writing efforts in 2018?

For me it boils down to finishing my current WIP and then starting on the 3 first draft novels I have sitting in my metaphorical bottom desk drawer along with making a real effort to master more of the technical aspects of the craft.

Really need to knock my work into shape before embarking on anything new although I might have a project running in the background, just to keep Norman on his toes.

Oh and an author website. Seems to be a must these days.
Not sure about the whole year, but on my quarterly plan for Jan-March is to get my second Dragon Slayer book ready for publication in April, knock back a few short stories so I have a pool of stories to choose from as contests and submissions windows open up throughout the year, and start writing the third Dragon Slayer book. Ah, and I have to get a dental check-up...that's important because it keeps my dentist happy, and he's sold more of my books than anyone but me. :)
I've just begun the fifth novel in my Cornish Detective series, with an anticipated completion date of June. I'll also be entering writing competitions, using short stories and poetry written this year, as well as fresh material.
In an effort to raise my profile, I'll be doing more blogging, posting on my business page on Facebook and tweeting. I may sign to Amazon's KDP Select publishing programme.
I've learned an immense amount about the world of publishing, since returning to creative writing four years ago, and I'm as confused as ever! :confused:
Plans? Nothing specific, but I should proof read my murder mystery and tidy it up before self-publishing. Given the poor payment from that, it really isn't worth the effort, but I'll do it mainly for myself. It's impossible to get anyone else to proof read, unless you're rich, so I really don't expect much. I might send out a few queries, if I can be bothered, but I'm so busy with work and exhausted these days to find time or energy to do what's needed. It is what it is.
A simple New Years resolution to write 500 words minimum every day.
To be a writer, all you have to do is write, right? ;) :D

Writing 220 words a day, every day for a year gives you a novel of 80,300 words...makes it sound easy, doesn't it?!

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I'm aiming for two books a month to Evernight this year. :)

I have this book to finish now which is the first of a new series. No idea how many books in this one. They're each stand-alones.

I have a spin-off MC romance series to write - probably 4 or 5 in that one.

I would like to add to my Tortured Love series with two more books, and to The Spanking Experiments series with three more books.
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