One of the many sessions I attended this past weekend was presented by the delightful David Hill, whose books I'm afraid I haven't read. His session touched on many things, but one which resonated with me was his discussion of where to get the raw material for stories. He had us reflect on our own lives and come up with stories that could become a piece of writing (or part of a piece of writing). He focused our thought by asking us to look at a moment we wish we could return to (either to re-experience it or to change it). He further focused us by saying we should think of moments that involved a special place, an animal, a moment of triumph, a puzzle, or a moment of distress, because these are all things that will engage readers.
I loved the wide range of experiences participants came up with, and I started seeing experiences I hadn't ever really thought of mining before. I thought it would be interesting to hear some of your stories--a moment you wish you could return to that could become the nugget for a piece of writing.
I loved the wide range of experiences participants came up with, and I started seeing experiences I hadn't ever really thought of mining before. I thought it would be interesting to hear some of your stories--a moment you wish you could return to that could become the nugget for a piece of writing.
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