Writing From Your Dreams

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Jan 10, 2020
Snoqualmie, WA, United States
I woke up from sleep a week or so ago, with the memory of a marvelous adventure which I'd been living in my dream, swiftly fading. Here's the blurb I scrambled to write down about it.

'The rich eccentric____ (Insert name) was known for giving rare and unusual plot points to writers in need. Figure out the clues he’d leave each month in the Times, track him down in his fabulous lair, and he’d send you on a quest, to find three object’s de Fame. By the time you returned, if the journey hadn’t sparked an instant cure for writer’s block, you were nothing short of dead. Only after several fantastic bestsellers spawned from this source were published did the truth come out, the quests he sent you on weren’t free from danger.'

Does anyone else have adventure dreams, which you want to turn into novels later?
I had a dream with a lot of fear and running and hiding, which ended with a lion biting me by the ankle to drag me out of the house ...
My sleeping brain regularly assists me with my writing, by reminding me of things I've missed. A nightmare in which the serial killer in my WIP stalked me, meant that I injured myself:


When editing my manuscript my dreams become mundane, full of filing cabinets and library catalogue cards of the type I used to fille when I worked as a librarian in the 1970s.

I had a dream with a lot of fear and running and hiding, which ended with a lion biting me by the ankle to drag me out of the house ...
Oh my goodness? What does a lion mean to your subconscious? I think it might be fun to write a collaboration story in which the main characters have to deal with the situations drawn from the writers' dreams.
My sleeping brain regularly assists me with my writing, by reminding me of things I've missed. A nightmare in which the serial killer in my WIP stalked me, meant that I injured myself:


When editing my manuscript my dreams become mundane, full of filing cabinets and library catalogue cards of the type I used to fille when I worked as a librarian in the 1970s.

That's interesting! So, when you're writing action, or relationship scenes, do your dreams reflect?
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