Fanfare! Writing for a video game news site

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Oct 14, 2015
Houston, TX
I was made aware of a site accepting public submission. After sending over an article, I was offered a more permanent position. There isn't any money involved at the moment and the site is small, but it's a way for me to take articles that would normally be posted on a generally unread blog site and get them to a wider audience.

Baby steps, amirite?

Either way, I'm happy about the opportunity.

For those interested in checking out my first article, the link is below (be warned, video games ahead):

Into the Wild: Skyrim vs. Skyrim SE - Imperium
Interesting article Chase. I have never played Skyrim. A few years back I tried installing it on a PC but got horrendous blocking etc. making it unplayable. I have never tried again since, even on my PS4.

Congratulations on getting your work out there!
Congrats. Haven't played video games since Prince of Persia, introduced to me by an Iranian colleague -- we used to play it on the boss's computer while he was out. I always got spiked or otherwise slain.
Thanks, all! I really appreciate it and am super excited about getting stuff out there. Hope to have enough time tonight to set up my computer and send my second article to the editor.
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