Writing Competitions

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i don't understand how a company can expect people to pay to enter a competition. Given the choice, surely free entry would supersede a paying entry. I can imagine some people getting very upset when they don't win, like paying to enter should guarantee winning.
One of the magazines I submit to all the time requires an entry fee for its competitions. The reason is so that the editors can pay the winner $1500. ;)
One of the magazines I submit to all the time requires an entry fee for its competitions. The reason is so that the editors can pay the winner $1500. ;)

I can appreciate such a concept, fair enough, if the fee accumulates into the prize then it's worth it but i have seen some that take a fee but give no cash prize.
It's like charging an entry fee to a nightclub, pure profit for the company lol
The fee covers administration costs as well as the prize.
Some of the competitions listed, Bristol, Yeovil, Bridport, are very prestigious and agents keep a close eye on them. A win, or even a short listing in one of these can be a huge boost to your writing career, as well as giving you a worthwhile writing credit to include in you covering letter when you send stuff out. Yeovil also has a category for novels and if you check out their 'successes' page you will see how many of the winners have gone on to get published.
I can appreciate such a concept, fair enough, if the fee accumulates into the prize then it's worth it but i have seen some that take a fee but give no cash prize.
It's like charging an entry fee to a nightclub, pure profit for the company lol

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