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Writing attitude

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Very interesting, @RK Capps – all great points. I love successful writers who buck these "trends" and all the usual advice.

Same :) But still, I'd take some of what he says with a grain of salt. The writing without outlining is something quite personal. But not looking back, or at reviews, that's gold :)
Good catch @Hannah F :) Was before he was published?

That makes me remember, he said he doesn't outline, but he did with his wife. So, I'm thinking the take away is, 'just do you in the moment.' Still, interesting guy to watch :) Great life!
He wrote the story, sent it out (didn't get published), decided didn't like it, re-wrote the same story, sent it out . . . did this a few times . . . a re-write got published.
What he says is easy for an established writer to say but in my opinion useless for someone starting out. One way or another there is a craft to be mastered and that only comes with practice and hours spent learning and experimenting. I did like some of his points though. It's like all these people who think they can tell you how to do something. You take a little bit from each and dump most of it and we each take different bits depending on our own way of doing things.
What he says is easy for an established writer to say but in my opinion useless for someone starting out. One way or another there is a craft to be mastered and that only comes with practice and hours spent learning and experimenting. I did like some of his points though. It's like all these people who think they can tell you how to do something. You take a little bit from each and dump most of it and we each take different bits depending on our own way of doing things.

Totally agree :) But some good take aways, like sustainability, have fun etc.
Completely agree @Steve C , and also on the point that there are great take aways from it. The "writes only one draft" doesn't sound true; or perhaps now it is, 40 years later *and owning his own publishing company*, but I can't image, age 32, he banged out a perfect novel that immediately got published...
I do like his attitude overall though. Thanks Rachel! You really find some gems out there :)
Well, I am very ignorant. I don't think I have read any of his books and never heard of him before. But clearly, he is a very successful professional writer, with a teeny bit of unfinished business with himself.

He's telling the truth about the nature of the beast. Are you an artist, or is this about prestige, and money, in which case this writing lark is a business like selling cornflakes, so get with the programme.

Two very different beasts even though they may end up in the same place. Did Emily Bronte know Wuthering Heights would be a mega mammoth best seller? No. She was DRIVEN. On the other hand, Charlotte made a big effort to get the book into print. Pen names, cabs down to London. Or it would never have seen the light of day.

The last line is pure poetry.

This nice chap doth protest a little much much. He may be an artist. I don't know till I read one of his books. But he does care about razzmatazz at least a bit, or he wouldn't be using up his valuable time and energy sitting there telling people the things he figured out for himself. He'd be at home writing, and leaving everyone else to get on with their own writing, and let them figure it out the same way he says he did.

The terrible truth in my observation, and based on people I have known, writers, poets and painters, true artists aren't clubbable. Too jealous of their time and space and energy. They serve the Muse, and guard that space like a dog with a bone. And by and large don't give two hoots what other writers - or painters -are doing

They do them. You do you.

How did he get that Men In Black thing? A dinner. Networking. He is a business person OK, and that doesn't mean he's not a damn good writer. But he seems haunted deep down by this idea that maybe he isn't an artist.

And maybe an artist is a terrible thing to be when you consider the personal stories of almost any really great artist you can name.
A great price is exacted of them. The Muse demands its dues. An artist is a mighty tricky hen that lays duds or golden eggs or duds again, and no one expects them to be easy people to deal with.
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