Wishing everyone success, happiness and good health in the coming New Year!

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aka Anne Chen
Nov 16, 2015
London, UK
Hello Litopians, it's nice to meet you all! I'm Nan (my name means Seashore in Chinese so I've used it as my username). I hope you have all had a Merry Christmas and I wish you lots of success, happiness and good health in the coming New Year!

I've been lurking since November whilst doing Nanowrimo and trying to finish my first novel (which has expanded into a series :P) and delighted to find people I can talk to about writing without their eyes glazing over.
Hi Nan! Welcome! :)
Another serial writer! :D so glad you joined the dark write :p And that you have promoted yourself from a lurker status.
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Hi Nan, and welcome. Inspiration grows on trees, although sometimes it even grows here ;)
Welcome. Delighted to see you here. Great that you managed to get some good stuff out of your Nanowrimo. All the best for 2016
Thank you all for the kind and friendly welcome! :)

May the year bring you fulfilment and meaning as a writer (and hopefully a glowing acceptance letter and a publishing contract enclosing a cheque for a hefty advance.. and also a string of critically acclaimed best sellers while we're at it).

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