Why Women Entreprenuers are far less likely to be funded. Writing parallels.

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Feb 27, 2015
Article: Why Women Entrepreneurs are far less likely to be funded

This might not seem a direct relevance to writing..but I believe there are parallels to the reasons behind why women (and I would extend the reasons to men too) experience barriers in publishing too.

Specific points in the article jumped at me:

- "..... women might potentially be more reluctant to hand chunks of their business over to investors."
-" Could women be counting themselves out?"
-“By nature, we women don’t like to go out and shout about the amazing things we’re doing ... but really, we have a duty to do that.”

I think generally in all careers including publishing whether you are a man or a woman...I find people hold themselves back. They fear 'what others think' of them. This stifles their own progression and begin to become the very people they fear of by judging others announcement of their own achievements. No one should hold themselves back because of how they perceive society will see them.

This is something that I used to and to some extent still do...would you believe it :p. I am conscious of individuals I know who frown on 'showing off' ones milestones and subtly or sarcastically ridicule small achievements. But as some say, having tough skin is vital in any career we face.

So how do we as writers hold ourselves back? Have some of us written ourselves off within our own life story...are we worried what others think of us that stops us doing or saying what is in our minds...as a result we don't all shout about our milestones and as such stagnate?

Or are we quietly meandering through all the noise to get to a goal that demands a noisier path to reach it?
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I think a fear of rejection might play its part. Keeping something beloved to your chest in case nobody else loves it as much as you, or (dear God forbid) they hate it and think you daft for treasuring it. I suffer my own 'inadequacies' regarding my work and talents, mostly from a childhood feeling my best wasn't good enough. I'm learning to accept compliments.
Isn't it weird how we readily accept critique and comments on how to improve our work, but when someone tells us 'hey, I love your writing!', we instantly dismiss them and seek a second or third, or even fourth, opinion?
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