Is read without pleasure', Samuel Johnson, quoted by @AgentPete (Not stalking, Peter, honest, but why waste...).
Cue fainting with joy and relief.
But have you ever abandoned a story as a dud? If you did, how did you arrive at the decision that it was a dud?
Terminal boredom at the thought of finishing it? Or, feeling that boredom, did you think, no, I can still use something in this. It needs a major rethink, but there's still a baby here, best not thrown out with the bathwater?
Cue fainting with joy and relief.
But have you ever abandoned a story as a dud? If you did, how did you arrive at the decision that it was a dud?
Terminal boredom at the thought of finishing it? Or, feeling that boredom, did you think, no, I can still use something in this. It needs a major rethink, but there's still a baby here, best not thrown out with the bathwater?