Re my post #94 above.
I shelved Tinker, Tailor... not because I didn't like it, on the contrary actually. It's great, or at least the bits of the story I had assimilated are.
But because I was 'reading' it on Audible

when out on my constitutionals, I found I just couldn't keep track of the plot. It's a bit labyrinthine for my tiny brain. I think that to do it justice, I need to be sitting down and concentrating more.
As I listened, I kept finding myself wondering who so and so was, and what their significance to the story might be. Doubtless when they had been first introduced, my concentration must have been taken by the fabulous smell coming from the bakers I pass every day; either that or I was simply cream crackered and gasping for air.
The movie was on the box last week and I've recorded that. I'm tempted to cheat and go shorthand but feel that I'd be sure to be missing out.