Fanfare! ****UPDATE**** Evernight Publishing's Fourth Annual Readers' Choice Awards

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Carol Rose

Sep 13, 2014
Indiana, USA

UNYIELDING - Tortured Love 1 - WON for BEST DARK ROMANCE!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Evernight Publishing: We have your Readers' Choice Award Winners!

Evernight Publishing has an annual Readers' Choice Awards event, during which nominations take place in early November, and then finalists are announced. I'm pleased as punch to tell you I'm a finalist in four categories: Favorite Author, Best Series - The Weathermen, Best Dark Romance - Unyielding, and Best Sci-Fi - The Harder They Fall (The Weathermen 12).

Here's a link to the Evernight blog post, which has the voting link: Evernight Publishing: VOTE NOW: Evernight Readers' Choice Awards

And here's a link to my blog post I just put up this morning: Ravenna Tate: Evernight Publishing's Fourth Annual Readers' Choice Awards 2016 FINAL VOTING UNDERWAY!!

I know I don't have any readers in this group, but thanks for letting me share this! It's a big deal in my tiny corner of the publishing world. :) :) :)
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