Unpublished MS contest - Book Pipeline

Book Review: Ben Aaronovitch. Remember that name

Inspiration! Any Kurt Vonnegut fans?

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LJ Beck

Full Member
Aug 20, 2022
New Zealand

I can't vouch for it. A friend just sent it to me.

Basic deets:
Regular: August 20th, 2023 - $55

Late: September 5th, 2023 - $60

Eight categories of fiction and nonfiction

Winners and Runners-Up receive:
  • $20,000 to winners ($2,500 for each category winner)
  • Immediate circulation to publishers, agents, editors, and other execs
  • Consideration from producers seeking projects for film and TV adaptation
  • Additional long-term review of other books for potential circulation
Just an FYI, on bookpipeline, I found this from Literative, and a similar piece in Writer's Digest:

Book Pipeline Review: Summary
Our final conclusion regarding Book Pipeline is that it is a helpful resource for writers, especially those that are looking to adopt their work for TV and film. However, just like any resource, if the writer does not utilize it to its fullest potential, it will not provide any aid.
I think Book Pipeline offers many services, as many of the competition hosts do. @MattScho, was this review about their services, or the competition itself?

Back when I was screenwriting, I found that competition wins were really a crap shoot on how much the organizers promoted you, or how much leg work they'd do for you. Some really helped, (the more reputable ones) and others were just good for a feather in the cap when promoting yourself. One particular comp win got me a lit manager, so was worth it. But I was happy to get out of the comp circuit after that.

I don't know the success rate from this comp, or how much leg work they do for the winners, as I'd never entered their screenwriting comp.
It looks like the cost of submission is either 60.00 US or 65 US? Thank you for posting. I suppose the cost goes w the prize money.
Both are USD's as it's a US company. There's an early entry fee, and a late fee. All the screenwriting comps are around that price as well.
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Book Review: Ben Aaronovitch. Remember that name

Inspiration! Any Kurt Vonnegut fans?
