Unbound - a way to finance your book.

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
Most of you will be familiar with the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, as a way of raising the finance for a new project.

It's possible to fund publication of a book with Kickstarter, but Unbound is a relatively new publisher that uses contributions from the public to get literary projects into print. Founded in 2010 by author Dan Kiernan, John Mitchinson, director of research for British panel game Q.I. and Justin Pollard, a historian and researcher for Q.I. Unbound has raised funding for some unusual books. Paul Kingsnorth's The Wake made it to the Man Booker prize longlist in 2014, something that wouldn't have happened without Unbound's help. It's due to be made into a film.


I even love the title. I can relate to that. It's very now.
It's all about taking the bull by the ring and seeing how far it throws you. The only down side - from my point of view - being that you've got to finish what you started. And I'm allergic to that. Got a note from my mum that says I never have to amount to anything.
I can see it working. I've signed up already, so by the weekend I'll be throwing my spent body at their feet and pleading for a chance to rattle the Great Universal Begging Bowl™. Here's my big idea, enlightened ones! Pray shower your gold upon me that I might gild these dusty wings and taste the sky.
This is the way forward. It's positive. We're no longer restricted to our place as shabby consumers. Consumers are sheep that eat the same grass they drop their leavings on. We're above that now; we've got the opportunity to become truly patronised, or if you have spare jingle in your purse, we could be Patrons - just for one day.
And that, my beloved scribblers, is something altogether more shiny. More alluring. Become a Patron of the Arts.
Did I tell you I was a patron? Twice over, this month. Which makes me a Patrapluralist.
Yes, me. A Funder of the Arts.
This month I funded Mikey Kenney's next album and a Role Playing Game for Jeff Noon. As If I'd need a role playing game! I don't even have friends. Even the voices in my head have stopped retweeting me. Such is the power of Crowdfunding, I've just paid good money to Kickstart a CD and I don't think there's a player in the house. Not since Dad moved out.
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