Thoughts on Audiobooks?

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Karen Gray

Hello folks,

I was asked today if I intend to release my novel in audiobook form as well as print and ebook. Honestly it was something I had never even considered until now. What are your view on that front? I wouldn't have the first clue about how to go about something like that, though I suppose I could work it out.

It just occured to me that the audiobook market, although new seems to be very popular, would it be silly not even to consider it? hmmm
I always have an audiobook in my CD player in the car. Go through about five a month. Also download from the library to MP3 etc . . .
I was asked too, Karen. Of course, it means the publisher sends a new contract out which extends their rights to your book (or the audio-rights, I think). You also have to wait - if your publisher uses Audible - for someone to want to read it out loud!!! Speaking about which, I wonder if anyone could get a job doing that or whether you have to be a trained actor?
Not sure. I was wondering that myself. I was listening to lots of excerpts from audable and was actually disappointed. I would be ruled by OCD if doing it. I'd be better doing it myself! Lol. I am self publishing so I don't need to bother with publisher contracts. It was my readers who asked about an audio version.
actually my cover artist's hubby was the one that kicked the conversation off.
It certainly is food for thought. I would just like to know more about it. :)
Well I'm happy to say that while I was really doubtful of audiobooks before, after listening to Kat Harrison's sample for For King and Country I'm not on the fence any more. In fact I really enjoyed listening to an audio piece by our own @David Steele

It not only made me want to listen more. I actually want to look into making some audio stuff myself (for the kids) Needless to say my whole view of audio has changed from, dislike to love :)
Well I'm happy to say that while I was really doubtful of audiobooks before, after listening to Kat Harrison's sample for For King and Country I'm not on the fence any more. In fact I really enjoyed listening to an audio piece by our own @David Steele

It not only made me want to listen more. I actually want to look into making some audio stuff myself (for the kids) Needless to say my whole view of audio has changed from, dislike to love :)
I would often be reading my book aloud to listen for bad parts, and would think — all I would need to do is have a recorder sitting here while I did this.

When's she doing the rest, anyway?!
I would often be reading my book aloud to listen for bad parts, and would think — all I would need to do is have a recorder sitting here while I did this.

When's she doing the rest, anyway?!
She has to wait a little to get started. Needs to upgrade her equipment so it's at the required quality :) She wasn't happy with the product she was getting from her current setup. Shouldn't be too long now :)
I would often be reading my book aloud to listen for bad parts, and would think — all I would need to do is have a recorder sitting here while I did this.

When's she doing the rest, anyway?!
This is something I like to suggest to people when they're editing. Read your book aloud at least once. You hear so many different things when you're reading aloud than just reading in your head. It forces you to analyze each word, not just skim over them.
I am addicted to Audible - best app I have on my phone. I spend around five hours commuting to work and several more traveling about - once in the car Audible syncs with the bluetooth and the books I'm listening too. Hardest thing is getting to work and having to get out of the car if the book is really good. I would usually listen to 2 -3 books a month.
Just one more thought about audio books - The narrator is so so important! I've listened to some great books that have been ruined because the narration was so poor.
Just one more thought about audio books - The narrator is so so important! I've listened to some great books that have been ruined because the narration was so poor.
That's why I wasn't keen, I've been put off by bad narrators. SOOOOO Happy Kat is doing my books. She's awesome and so so talented :)
I am addicted to Audible - best app I have on my phone. I spend around five hours commuting to work and several more traveling about - once in the car Audible syncs with the bluetooth and the books I'm listening too. Hardest thing is getting to work and having to get out of the car if the book is really good. I would usually listen to 2 -3 books a month.
*chokes on my breakfast* You spend how long commuting to and from work? Is that in a week?
I did the same thing. Not literally, because I'm not eating breakfast. And my coffee's all gone. Sad face. I have an hour-and-a-half drive to work and a two hour drive home and this sounds outrageous to me...
I do not understand how y'all do that. I had an hour's drive into work and school when I lived out in the suburbs, and it was the WORST. I HATE traffic with a fierce passion. Hence, why I pay higher prices to live inside the city, 2 miles from work.
I do not understand how y'all do that. I had an hour's drive into work and school when I lived out in the suburbs, and it was the WORST. I HATE traffic with a fierce passion. Hence, why I pay higher prices to live inside the city, 2 miles from work.
Oh — we'll be joining you there. Not literally, because we're not in Texas. But the city, I mean. We're thinking about places in the city around work. Not looking yet, because we have six months left on the lease, but thinking.
I once, for 6 years had an hour drive to and from work. That was my limit, I mean after 8 hours physical work I'd be falling asleep driving home and always stopped at a little place to buy an ice cream or some chocolate to keep me awake. No way could I have survived a longer trip every day! o_O
I live in the countryside and drive into the centre of Belfast to teach.
Love Billy - and loved the joke he told about being in Belfast and seeing 'Bomber Jackets' being sold for 1/2 price
I wouldn't go that far Jason ;)
Lol Billy Connolly said once that folk from Belfast and folk from Glasgow were just the same... only different... but the same :p
To a Yankee Byrne that's never left the states, Ireland has a deep allure that's difficult to describe. It's like seeing the place in which you've always belonged but never knew existed, mixed with a vague uneasiness, like you've committed some crime or social faux pas by not going there at least once. Guess it's not difficult to describe...
To a Yankee Byrne that's never left the states, Ireland has a deep allure that's difficult to describe. It's like seeing the place in which you've always belonged but never knew existed, mixed with a vague uneasiness, like you've committed some crime or social faux pas by not going there at least once. Guess it's not difficult to describe...
I think it's nice you hold somewhere in such high regard :)
To a Yankee Byrne that's never left the states, Ireland has a deep allure that's difficult to describe. It's like seeing the place in which you've always belonged but never knew existed, mixed with a vague uneasiness, like you've committed some crime or social faux pas by not going there at least once. Guess it's not difficult to describe...

I know! I'm not in the back room, so I won't say when (ah, paranoia) but I'm actually getting to visit Ireland later this year. Two of our friends are getting married in a haunted castle (awesome) and hubby and I didn't get a real honeymoon, so we're staying there for about a week and a half!
I think it's nice you hold somewhere in such high regard :)
I'm pretty stupid and old-fashioned when it comes to things like loyalty and honor and duty — like OLD-old.

I know! I'm not in the back room, so I won't say when (ah, paranoia) but I'm actually getting to visit Ireland later this year. Two of our friends are getting married in a haunted castle (awesome) and hubby and I didn't get a real honeymoon, so we're staying there for about a week and a half!
Isn't it funny that none of us will ever mention the town we live in, like someone would would be on here to hunt us down couldn't figure it out anyway? I noticed that too.

Katina and I are talking about doing the same thing, and for the same reason, only in a more someday sort of way.
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