I'm not sure how "small" Evernight is, at least in the romance community.

They're one of the largest digital first publishers of romance now. I suppose compared to The Big Five they are small.
As far as marketing, they take out ads on sites that do reviews of romances. They have a newsletter that features the newest releases, and upcoming releases. They have a blog that's updated a fair amount with new releases, and features of series, etc. They have a very active Facebook page and update it throughout the day with releases, blurbs, teases, reviews, and any contests an author is running on their own. All I have to do is send material I'd like posted to their marketing manager, and she gets it on the Facebook page.
They post the same promotion to Twitter and other social media sites. Oh, and they have a full time marketing manager.

She finds promotions for us to participate in, and takes care of promotion in the way of Amazon specials and other avenues. They try new ones to figure out what gives their authors the largest sales for the money. If we find one on our own, they pay for half the cost, if there is one.
They also have a review coordinator who sends our books out to about a dozen sites for review.
They don't send too many books to print, but if we have a signing coming up, they will work with us to get a book or two in print so we have something to take to the signing.
Overall, it's far more than Siren ever did for me, and I was an "exclusive" author with them. And, it's as much, if not more, than any other digital first publisher of romances is doing out there right now.
I can't really speak to what anyone *should* expect from a publisher because I have a very narrow margin of experience. But it never hurts to ask what they do for their authors, so you can compare them to others you've asked as well.
Hope this helps!