Inspiration! The Shit No One Tells You About Writing

We all need a bit of it in these strange times...

Pop-Up's 29th Oct

Event Haunting Tales LIVE! Watch it Here

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Mel L

Full Member
Aug 24, 2021
Can't remember who introduced me to this podcast but the latest episode blew my proverbial socks off. Really helped me get some mojo back to hear other writers talk about the absolute horror story of self editing. Plus, a couple of well-known agents providing different takes on a query letter, with the author there live to discuss their reactions. Inspiring stuff!
Can't remember who introduced me to this podcast but the latest episode blew my proverbial socks off. Really helped me get some mojo back to hear other writers talk about the absolute horror story of self editing. Plus, a couple of well-known agents providing different takes on a query letter, with the author there live to discuss their reactions. Inspiring stuff!

Thank you for this. I have an audible freebie book, Matt Bird, The Secrets of Story, that is proving useful. I have as my motto, "Just dont bore the pants off people." But he nails that down. I love his analogy of the stranger on the long flight that starts telling you a story and goes into all of his relatives, what the weather was that day, the names of all the parties, even the checkout lady. Jeez how many times do we do this in our opening pages? Don't be that stranger.
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Pop-Up's 29th Oct

Event Haunting Tales LIVE! Watch it Here
