Fanfare! The Other Side of Here - paperback release

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Nov 28, 2014
An island in the Caribbean
It's here at last - the paperback version of my collection of short stories & poems: "The Other Side of Here".

I'm thrilled with the way it's turned out and have started to get some great reviews - thank you to to those of you who have supported me and left reviews. I know there are a few others who agreed to review - now you have the paperback version too!


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Bravo, hope you get lots of sales as well as reviews
Got my copy :-) Now, what marketing collective is this? I think I must have missed something!
Thanks, Kitty - I hope you enjoy it. The marketing collective is a group of us, under the leadership of @David Steele, who have agreed to work together to promote and market each others books - where we have each committed to writing reviews on &, Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook etc. Mine was the first book, released on Kindle in July but there's been a delay in getting the paperback out until now, and @Karen Gray's book is the 2nd.
That's brilliant, you can bet I am picking up a paper version as well . It would make an awesome Christmas present for someone I know too
I really enjoyed it, I hope it does well, and for the Litopians here, you really should check it out.
Thanks Alastair - were you going to review it for me as part of our marketing collective?
I've just received Karen's book and will do her's first. I'll try to get to yours next but right now I face 7 days left in the USA with the strong possibility of having to leave, and leave my partner behind, so I honestly don't know where or what I'll be doing. But I will get to yours as soon as I can.
I've just received Karen's book and will do her's first. I'll try to get to yours next but right now I face 7 days left in the USA with the strong possibility of having to leave, and leave my partner behind, so I honestly don't know where or what I'll be doing. But I will get to yours as soon as I can.
Life gets in the way - no problem, Alistair. So sorry to hear things in your life are so challenging - hang in there. As your tag line says, "Living the life one dreams of, but it's not that simple..." Oh how true.
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