science fiction

  1. ChandlerJules

    To Say Nothing of the Dog, ICYMI here is Connie Willis

    I am re-reading Connie Willis' To Say Nothing of the Dog, with great delight. She has a long and brilliant career in the Science Fiction world including: The Doomsday Book, Bellwether, All Clear, plus many others and numerous short stories. June 27 marks the release of her latest: The Road to...
  2. Katie-Ellen

    News Ahoy, New US Agent Opening for SFF Submissions 10 October

    Rick Lewis @ForGoodBooks Follows you Reader. Writer. Editor. Literary agent with @MartinLitMgmt representing speculative fiction authors, including sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and magical realism. Charlottesville, VA
  3. pcenteno

    Science Fantasy Audiobook

    Hey everyone, my SF novel Maz'hura is a finalist for Next Generation Indie Book Awards (Next Generation Indie Book Awards - Winners). Below are some reviews. With the positive feedback I have received, I decided to advertise the audiobook for the first time. I will mostly use Spotify and...
  4. Katie-Ellen

    Margaret Cavendish. A Founder of the Science Fiction genre

    Margaret Cavendish, one of the first women writers to publish under her own name, died 15 December in 1673.This, courtesy of the Public Domain Review on Twitter. Long may it continue. Margaret Lucas Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, was an English aristocrat, philosopher, poet...
  5. Kitty

    Follycon (Eastercon 2018)

    Did any Litopians attend Eastercon last weekend? What did you think?