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Service Update The One Perfect Sentence Contest Has Started…


Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
...over here, in a new section. Have a go! It’s the antidote to all other writing contests (you’ll enjoy it a lot more!).

So now it's started – you need to start to play around with the voting. Everyone so far has been awfully restrained and hasn’t voted… that’s got to change!

I did say in the video that I’d let you find out for yourself about the voting mechanism, but here are a couple of hints.

First, you can vote for as many entries as you want to. The only restriction is that you can’t vote for your own (you can try, but the Colony won’t let you).

Second – you can retract your vote(s)! As the month rolls on, you may find that you prefer newer entries to the older one(s) you initially voted for. Well that’s fine – simple unclick your previous votes and vote for your new choices.

Ask any questions here…
Oh, and by the way… your votes are totally confidential. No-one (not even me) can work out who you’re voting for.
Great fun. I'm enjoying it all. Voting system is easy to understand.

A couple of idle thoughts... It would be good if all entries were anonymous, and even better if the entries could rotate up and down the page so every one spends time at the top.

Just my thunkings.

Thanks for the opportunity to take part. I've got another couple of practically perfect sentences formulating in me brain.
Great fun. I'm enjoying it all. Voting system is easy to understand.
Good! :)
A couple of idle thoughts... It would be good if all entries were anonymous, and even better if the entries could rotate up and down the page so every one spends time at the top.
Yes, I was wondering about that. However, I don’t think it’s going to turn into a popularity contest, after all the votes cast are indeed anonymous. But let’s see, I might change this for the next contest. At the moment, I’m quite enjoying seeing who produces which sentences :)
We can see 'likes' but not 'votes'. I fink.
Exactly :)

You can like something, but not vote for it. Conversely, you can vote for something but not “like” it.

The votes – and you’ve got a running total all the time, so you can see which entry is getting traction – are nothing to do with “likes”.
  • You can vote for as many entries as you like.
  • You can “unvote” an entry you’ve already voted for simply by clicking the vote button for a second time.
  • You can “revote” an entry you’ve previously unvoted by clicking the vote button a third time.
  • You can vote for as many entries as you like.
  • You can “unvote” an entry you’ve already voted for simply by clicking the vote button for a second time.
  • You can “revote” an entry you’ve previously unvoted by clicking the vote button a third time.
My understanding is that if you press the vote/unvote button for the fourth time, your device (along with yourself) will self-destruct after a five-second warning.