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Great insights Barbara, thank you so much. It is a busy genre, but for now we're doing it for fun! I've always been a passive listener (I never leave comments or anything like that) so I guess I should try to be a bit more active. We're recording our next episode soon (uploading every 2 weeks), so I think we'll get a sense of how long it'll be. I might even split some episodes into parts if we chat too long hahaRe length. Well, here's my 2 crumbs of biscuits worth.
I don't think length matters all that much, although I too prefer short pods. Folk listen to Joe R's endless rant because of him, his character, his guests and the name he's built. And they listen to Steven K for 30 mins because of who he is. He could talk ten hours and his fans would tune in. In short, it's about having a following.
For us mere mortals: People will listen to any length if its engaging. It's about content. And about standing out against others in your genre. Being different.
When Jonny and myself started Green Cows Don't Fly (if that isnt a bit mad I don't know what is) season 1 quickly had 2k unique listeners and growing. We're now starting season 3. Our episodes are around 30 mins. The 30 mins happened organically because of what we do (it's not easy to shut Jonny up, I tell you) but we also want to keep them shorter cos it's a lot of work to do longer episodes. The effort of it all is something you might want to keep in mind.
You have picked a busy genre with many similar others, all calling out to be heard. And as someone already said, in general everyone has a pod. Monetising is near impossible unless you can get the following ... So do it for the enjoyment of it for now. Don't fret about the length. Just do what you do. Watch the stats to see how you're doing and adapt what you do if you need.
Concentrate on building a following. Obs social media etc. But another good way of doing that is to be supportive of others' podcasts. That is something Jon and I naturally did from he start cos that's who we are (as you know Jonny is the chatty, social, friendly type). We made connections. We received, and still do, lots of support back. Just get yourselves into the pod world. It is a friendly and helpful community. Ignore the unsupporive ones. (Only on one or two occasions did we have folk being unsupportive. There's always one or two who tries to drown you. They don't matter. Everyone else out there will be right behind you.) Remember those who did support you and make a connection with them. It'll pay off. It's a lovely pod community out there which you can learn from. We help each other grow. And you might get invited to guest on theirs.
It's a hec of a lot of work.
But fun.
Re the washing up. That's what I have a husband for. Surely, that's the whole point of having one ...?