I've enjoyed many of Stephen King's books. I think he's a cracking writer. I preferred his TV adaptation of 'The Shining' to the Kubrick version, too, in certain respects. The father in his version was a sad, upsetting, all too human figure, redeemed at the end.
There's a point where I sometimes find the stories too much, over-egged, and start to disengage emotionally, as with 'Salem's Lot,' and with powerful exceptions, 'Cujo' and 'Misery.'
His book 'On Writing' was one of a few that have kept me welcome company during stretches when things seemed stalled or soggy in the middle.
He says “To write is human, to edit is divine.”
It's hard not to do both, going along, but if you do, it feels a bit like Penelope, weaving by day, unravelling it at night.
I recommend the book. Short of that, more of his thoughts on writing here: http://www.openculture.com/2014/03/stephen-kings-top-20-rules-for-writers.html