Paul Whybrow
Full Member
Anyone thinking of self-publishing should read an article in today's Guardian book section;
'Show me the money!': the self-published authors being snapped up by Hollywood
One thing that Mark Dawson and Russell Blake is how prolific they are. I thought that I was doing well to complete four novels in three years, a total word count of 400,000 words, but Dawson has written 23 books in four years!
Curious about this, I had a quick look at these two authors' work on Amazon, which allows one to access the first few pages. Initial impressions are that it's action-driven, with little subtlety, very short chapters and the longest words appear to be for the weapons they use to kill people!
It's certainly not literature, but few great works of literature are adapted into television series or movies.
I'm considering putting more work into the 44 titles I've already self-published on Amazon and Smashwords (and the vendors they distribute to), as querying literary agents is such a wearisome and time-consuming activity. I'm put-off by the thought of having to schmooze through blogging, social media and my long dormant web-site. Such a campaign would be to generate interest in me as a writer, to launch my first novel.
I'd prefer to be writing new books—but if they ain't selling, what's the point?
Whoever said 'Life isn't a popularity contest' didn't know about e-books!
'Show me the money!': the self-published authors being snapped up by Hollywood
One thing that Mark Dawson and Russell Blake is how prolific they are. I thought that I was doing well to complete four novels in three years, a total word count of 400,000 words, but Dawson has written 23 books in four years!

Curious about this, I had a quick look at these two authors' work on Amazon, which allows one to access the first few pages. Initial impressions are that it's action-driven, with little subtlety, very short chapters and the longest words appear to be for the weapons they use to kill people!
It's certainly not literature, but few great works of literature are adapted into television series or movies.
I'm considering putting more work into the 44 titles I've already self-published on Amazon and Smashwords (and the vendors they distribute to), as querying literary agents is such a wearisome and time-consuming activity. I'm put-off by the thought of having to schmooze through blogging, social media and my long dormant web-site. Such a campaign would be to generate interest in me as a writer, to launch my first novel.
I'd prefer to be writing new books—but if they ain't selling, what's the point?
Whoever said 'Life isn't a popularity contest' didn't know about e-books!