@Jennifer Stone Thanks! That's what I was thinking about doing and I think it might be the best approach.
The thing with GRRM is that he was already a published writer when he wrote Game of Thrones. I think it was also in a time when a book wasn't considered too long at 50k. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely hate that a book has to be chopped up to fit in a bracket for "recommended word count" and I like seeing where people break the rules and get an agent/publisher (I think Patrick Rothfuss did this - TNoTW is a whopping 259k). But if you're getting attention from agents (requests for full or partial) anyway,
@Jason Byrne, then I think you're doing something right regardless!
I'm in two minds whether I want to even approach agents with my new and improved (!!...

) shorter version of my book, or whether to just put it online in it's lengthier form and let the vultures at it (do not engage). At the same time, with so many distractions for our targeted audience, I understand why agents are warning us about wordcount. It's a sticky situation I often like to give two fingers.