Movie Review: Ray Bradbury on Writing. Write Like Hell! No mention of show vs. tell...

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Fanfare! Not sure how big a deal this is

84 Calls for Submissions in August 2022 - Paying Markets

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@Pamela Jo put up this video not long ago. It's brilliant and, IMHO, such good advice :) I love:

"Here is the writer's problem, as Bradbury saw it:
"The problem with novels is you can spend a whole year writing one and it might not turn out well."
He's right. In fact, chances are that if that novel is the only thing you have ever written, it will turn out to be a piece of crap. Unfortunately, writers are a stubborn lot - fixated on their "little darlings" and their plans for world domination."

I'm positive my first ever novel was crap, and my second. My third proved I don't enjoy writing thrillers set in our world (love reading them though). I suspect my fourth still isn't there, so I might try the short story route for a while.

As Pete says, keep moving :)
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Fanfare! Not sure how big a deal this is

84 Calls for Submissions in August 2022 - Paying Markets
