Question about popup submissions

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Georgina Key
Mar 16, 2019
Houston, TX
I’m new to this and was wondering, do we know who’ll be featured on the popup submissions show on Sundays or is it a surprise? I submitted last Sunday after the show and would love to know the likelihood of being selected. Thank you!
Pete usually announces it on the forum on the day of the pop up. And if I remember right from my own submissions, you'll get an email too.
Pete usually announces it on the forum on the day of the pop up. And if I remember right from my own submissions, you'll get an email too.
Do they get tons of submissions so that the odds of being selected are low—like sending in queries to agents or publishers?
You’re in a queue and if it gets overwhelming a back log starts. But Pete closes submissions then and he hasn’t so, that’s a good sign. So, hopefully you won’t be waiting too long. Kindest Regards and Welcome to Litopia :) Alix
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Yours will certainly be read, unless it is extreme porn. But there will be a wait, I'm afraid, @georginaK. There is a queue, and it is variable, but it is up to 3 months. Open to all. Done in order of submission. I don't know if there is fair, feasible way to fast-track Litopians, @AgentPete?
@georginaK, welcome!

Currently there’s a growing backlog for Pop-Ups. Looking at the inbox, we’re just tackling w/c 19th November now.

Currently the only way you can find out when your work will appear is when I tweet out (and post here in “What’s Happening”) the submissions for the week. I normally only do this on the Saturday or Sunday of the show itself. Litopia issues very few tweets, but those we do put out contain important information (e.g. if the Colony is down etc) so it’s worth following.

I’m considering several things at the moment to reduce the backlog. I would like to go twice-weekly, but we’re not ready for that yet. Another proposal, that we’re quite likely to implement, is to give “fast track” treatment for those people who actually support the Colony. More about this soon.
@georginaK, welcome!

Currently there’s a growing backlog for Pop-Ups. Looking at the inbox, we’re just tackling w/c 19th November now.

Currently the only way you can find out when your work will appear is when I tweet out (and post here in “What’s Happening”) the submissions for the week. I normally only do this on the Saturday or Sunday of the show itself. Litopia issues very few tweets, but those we do put out contain important information (e.g. if the Colony is down etc) so it’s worth following.

I’m considering several things at the moment to reduce the backlog. I would like to go twice-weekly, but we’re not ready for that yet. Another proposal, that we’re quite likely to implement, is to give “fast track” treatment for those people who actually support the Colony. More about this soon.
Thanks so much for the info—I can be patient. I’m really enjoying watching them too, such a valuable service. Many thanks
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