Print Your Own Book

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Strange. Getting your book printed on demand, even for just one copy, is hardly news.
I see an English teacher got her 'fiction novel' printed.
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So an average run of 16 books, per title. What's the point, you can go to any P.O.D. site and get a copy made for $6 - $12 depending on size. ;)
I saw the Espresso Book Machine demonstrated in Frankfurt well over a decade ago, and was wowed. But retail take-up was pathetic.
It may be the subversive part of my mind working, but it occurred to me that someone of malign intent could print harmful material in this way. Obviously, the internet allows quick and free dissemination of information, but hard copies of training manuals for terrorist activities and paedophilia literature are sought after. Just recently, in the U.K., a would-be bomber was arrested and was found to have a hard copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook among his timers, chemicals and weaponry.
I wonder how much the librarians check on what their printing machine is being used for...
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