Pop Up Submissions Winners - What Happens Next?

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Full Member
Oct 28, 2022
Dorset, England
Hi all,
I have watched, enjoyed and learned from several months of Pop Up Submissions. There is a winner every week and I believe the writer who has the highest percentage vote over a month becomes the monthly winner. But what happens then? Is there another stage for these monthly winners?

Is there a semi final and/or final stage where the monthly winners are invited to come back to Pop Up Submissions maybe with a revised submission? Is an annual Litopian winner announced?

I would be grateful if a Litopian or Agent Pete could advise. @AgentPete
Thanks Paul (PC Frontier)
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Hi all,
I have watched, enjoyed and learned from several months of Pop Up Submissions. There is a winner every week and I believe the writer who has the highest percentage vote over a month becomes the monthly winner. But what happens then? Is there another stage for these monthly winners?

Is there a semi final and/or final stage where the monthly winners are invited to come back to Pop Up Submissions maybe with a revised submission? Is an annual Litopian winner announced?

I would be grateful if a Litopian or Agent Pete could advise.
Thanks Paul (PC Frontier)
Make sure you put this in to get a response from pete @AgentPete . But I believe, and Pete can confim, that the monthly winner gets a referral to a publisher he works with.
What currently happens:

The monthly winner has a special page created for them thus:

The Outlier

This page is then forwarded to our admin contact at HoZ who then gives it to the most appropriate editor for consideration. As you’ll see, there’s a form for them to provide feedback or to request a full submission which is passed on to the author. All this can take quite a time, unfortunately.

At the moment, submissions are closed while we work on the backlog. When we reopen, there will be substantial format and procedural changes… working on those at the moment.
What currently happens:

The monthly winner has a special page created for them thus:

The Outlier

This page is then forwarded to our admin contact at HoZ who then gives it to the most appropriate editor for consideration. As you’ll see, there’s a form for them to provide feedback or to request a full submission which is passed on to the author. All this can take quite a time, unfortunately.

At the moment, submissions are closed while we work on the backlog. When we reopen, there will be substantial format and procedural changes… working on those at the moment.
Thanks for the information Agent Pete. I'll keep watching.
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