nothing to do with writing....

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Lovely video. Am following your channel.
I ran, but you know what happens to the knees. Fifty years times 365 days times 3 miles... I can sprint to catch a bus or tackle a bad guy, but it's no longer my sport. It's my secret weapon in emergencies.

Big hug to you. I shall vicariously run marathons! (and about Kilatra... my kind of girl... in real life I would marry her... sorry, that's not in your story, but think about it... what would happen if she fell in love with a nice gentleman writer and we lived happily ever after? Sorry. She's always on my mind. Total babe that she is. Her story is entirely your own, but I love how some of the characters in my own stories are like her.)
I ran, but you know what happens to the knees. Fifty years times 365 days times 3 miles... I can sprint to catch a bus or tackle a bad guy, but it's no longer my sport. It's my secret weapon in emergencies.

Big hug to you. I shall vicariously run marathons! (and about Kilatra... my kind of girl... in real life I would marry her... sorry, that's not in your story, but think about it... what would happen if she fell in love with a nice gentleman writer and we lived happily ever after? Sorry. She's always on my mind. Total babe that she is. Her story is entirely your own, but I love how some of the characters in my own stories are like her.)
Oooh yea I’m completely obsessed with her. Odd and slightly embarrassing, considering she’s a complete psycho who tortures people for fun. But she’s also quite capable of love.
Someone who is capable of love is not a complete psycho. Maybe like the rest of us, but more extreme.
Yes true. The last scene I wrote with her made me feel physically ill , though, because she hurt a character I really like and she loved it and the other character is terrified, which of course delights Kilatra . She’s one of those characters who I can easily know what she will do in any situation, no matter if it’s repulsive or oddly seductive.
Yes true. The last scene I wrote with her made me feel physically ill , though, because she hurt a character I really like and she loved it and the other character is terrified, which of course delights Kilatra . She’s one of those characters who I can easily know what she will do in any situation, no matter if it’s repulsive or oddly seductive.
Love to read the scene...
I got back into running late last summer after a three-year break. I try to do 5k every day (note the qualifier) on the treadmill. My time sucks. When the weather's warm enough, I hit the trail in the backyard. I'll definitely go back there this week.

I did a few nightruns last year. All you need is a head light, a waist light, and questionable sanity. There are so many sounds in the woods at night - and I'd swear every one was a hungry bear stalking me. There are very few of those around here, but I prolly should carry bear spray.

I've frightened rabbits and a deer - and they've frightened me. I hope I never frighten a skunk.

I slipped on coyote poop once. How do I know it was from a coyote? Well...they eat rodents and rabbits, fur and all. They can't digest the fur, so...

There are things you can only see at night - Luna, Mars, Venus. Fireflies. Yet the coolest thing I see on the trail at night is literally on the trail. Little white dots on the ground reflect my body lights. Get close to the source, and you'll find a Wolf Spider. Their eyes reflect light like a cat.
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I got back into running late last summer after a three-year break. I try to do 5k every day (note the qualifier) on the treadmill. My time sucks. When the weather's warm enough, I hit the trail in the backyard. I'll definitely go back there this week.

I did a few nightruns last year. All you need is a head light, a waist light, and questionable sanity. There are so many sounds in the woods at night - and I'd swear every one was a hungry bear stalking me. There are very few of those around here, but I prolly should carry bear spray.

I've frightened rabbits and a deer - and they've frightened me. I hope I never frighten a skunk.

I slipped on coyote poop once. How do I know it was from a coyote? Well...they eat rodents and rabbits, fur and all. They can't digest the fur, so...

There are things you can only see at night - Luna, Mars, Venus. Fireflies. Yet the coolest thing I see on the trail at night is literally on the trail. Little white dots on the ground reflect my body lights. Get close to the source, and you'll find a Wolf Spider. Their eyes reflect light like a cat.
Ahhh I went for a night run in Death Valley. If you think it’s silent during the day, run through furnace creek at night. When I reached the Panamint range, something large moved in the scraggly brush. Could see anything but (barely) the white line that marked the edge of the road, so I just kept running. Later I looked up wildlife in Death Valley, learned that the ranges are home to cougars, and decided to stick to running in the morning instead of night.
I cross-country with my dog, and I race like a dafty around an agility field. I don't road-run though. I find that boring.

I like trail running SO much better than road running, too.

I don't like road running. Trails are a lot more interesting. They're better for your knees than asphalt, too - unless you trip and fall on a rock :eek:

Trails also give me an excuse to catch a breather where the terrain is too rough to safely run :)
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