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Hey Terry,

Glad you have found us. What do you write?

Welcome to the Colony! Any questions about the site, please message me. I'm one of the Guardians and always happy to help.

Do check out the Colony Notices to familiarize yourself with how the site works – The Prime Directive is the foundation of our ethos. For literary chat and general socializing, head over to Café Life.

So get stuck in. You'll see that the more you put in, the more you get out. You'll learn a lot here.

Great to have you on board.
Hey Terry,

Glad you have found us. What do you write?

Welcome to the Colony! Any questions about the site, please message me. I'm one of the Guardians and always happy to help.

Do check out the Colony Notices to familiarize yourself with how the site works – The Prime Directive is the foundation of our ethos. For literary chat and general socializing, head over to Café Life.

So get stuck in. You'll see that the more you put in, the more you get out. You'll learn a lot here.

Great to have you on board.
Hi Barbara. Thanks for the welcome. Most recently I've been writing middle grade fiction. Currently adapting a screenplay I wrote (Santa Baby) into a children's book.
Hi @Terry Lowell

First thing I wrote was a screenplay. Though you've probably never seen it, not unless you've got access to my writing drawer. ;)

Welcome to the Colony and hope you enjoy it here. I'm sure you'll find Litopia a very welcoming environment.

There's plenty to do and we have lots of people happy to give and receive advice on works in progress. You'll get the most from the Colony with a two-way exchange and you'll be pleasantly surprised how beneficial offering critiques on the works of others is for your own work.

Litopia is a friendly and supportive community and best thing to do is dive right in. You'll find a very helpful intro here How to guide which will point you in the right direction, and the Writing Workshops Directory WWD is a great place to road test your opening pages, chapters, blurbs & synopses etc.

If there's anything you're unsure about or need help with please drop me a message and I'll be happy to help.
Hi @Terry Lowell

First thing I wrote was a screenplay. Though you've probably never seen it, not unless you've got access to my writing drawer. ;)

Welcome to the Colony and hope you enjoy it here. I'm sure you'll find Litopia a very welcoming environment.

There's plenty to do and we have lots of people happy to give and receive advice on works in progress. You'll get the most from the Colony with a two-way exchange and you'll be pleasantly surprised how beneficial offering critiques on the works of others is for your own work.

Litopia is a friendly and supportive community and best thing to do is dive right in. You'll find a very helpful intro here How to guide which will point you in the right direction, and the Writing Workshops Directory WWD is a great place to road test your opening pages, chapters, blurbs & synopses etc.

If there's anything you're unsure about or need help with please drop me a message and I'll be happy to help.
Thanks Johnny.
Thanks. Got my grandson on Saturday so probably can't make this one. For future reference how long are they and do I need video?
They normally last about 2 hours but there's no obligation to stay the full course. You can sign up for this one if you like and pop in to say hello. Once you put your name down you will be invited to join a private thread where, if you wish you can post some of your work you'd like comments on. Again no obligation and you can just sit and listen if you wish.
Thanks Steve. Please put me down for this Saturday 30th. Do I need video?
Hey Terry, great to see you're planning on joining a Huddle. Huddles really are fabulous and rather addictive.

Yes, you'll need a camera as well as audio. It's basically a type of Zoom call (although we use a different platform). The Huddle bookings usually open up on Tuesdays when @Jonny starts a thread here in this part of the forum. Look out for the thread for the 30th. When it opens, you'll have to put your name in the thread.

In order to be able to partake, you'll have to (1) have made at least seven posts in the Colony since joining; (2) have been registered on Litopia for at least seven days; and (3) have uploaded an avatar (picture!).

Check out this link here for more info.

Hope this helps. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask.
Hello @Terry Lowell and welcome!

If you haven't already discovered Pop-Up Submissions, it's a great place to get a heads up from the publishing industry on what they're looking for and when you're ready, you can submit your own work. Do subscribe to the Litopia Youtube channel here and join us in the "Genius Room" on Sundays to see Peter at work and offer your own thoughts :)
Thanks Kate. Finding my way around the site. Will definitely be getting into stuff.
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