Newbie Alert!

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Jun 16, 2019
New York
Hi everyone. My name is Alicia. I'm excited to be here. Currently working on getting representation for a dark fantasy series so I can quit my day job and spend my life doing what I am really passionate about-writing! Looking forward to getting to know everyone. :)
Hi everyone. My name is Alicia. I'm excited to be here. Currently working on getting representation for a dark fantasy series so I can quit my day job and spend my life doing what I am really passionate about-writing! Looking forward to getting to know everyone. :)
Hi Alicia. I think you'll find that everyone here is just as passionate about writing as you. Pop-up submissions, contributions from other Litopians (but not from me - I have very bad marks when it comes to exchanges), craft chats, and advice on writing from staff will also help enrich your work. Welcome.
Hi Alicia, good luck with the hunt for representation, and welcome to the Colony! :)
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