New Writing Groups are Open!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Very pleased to say the new Writing Groups area is now open!

I think you'll find the interface much easier to use. There are many other improvements, too, such as the abilty to control who sees your own Group, and owner-deletion.

Instructions are here, please post any queries in the FAQ sub-forum.

Note: The Mash is still accessible, but not postable, for a limited time. Please copy anything you need.
Seen it and conquered it, I mean posted in it! Looking good ;)
According to "Tester":

You will get access to the Writing Groups when (a) you have been a member of the Colony for 7 days; and (b) you have made 20 posts. This is to prevent people from joining solely to gain a critique of their work without contributing to the life of the Colony.
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