News New Flash Club Opening…

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
I’m slowly overhauling many aspects of Litopia, first to be completed is the evergreen Flash Club, wonderfully stewarded by @Sea-shore and @Barbara.

I’ll let them explain how the new FC works in the coming days. But one decision we took – always subject to change if there’s a strong feeling about it – is to keep the FC entries and winners here inside the Colony. I did consider having an external area, rather like Pop-Up Winners, as a showcase for winning entries. However, we ultimately felt that might spoil the spontaneous nature of the contest itself – it’s supposed to be fun, after all – not something you slave over for hours because it might be publicly exhibited. Hope you enjoy :)
I think you've earned your cuppa today lol and it sounds fab. I can't wait to see what else is to come...
It gives me warm fuzzies, it does :):):):)
I think Litopia is a tool all writers should have.
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