my own characters hate me??

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Mar 3, 2023
so recently i've been getting into character generation on (AI chatbot website similar to chatGPT, except the bots are styled after specific characters), and i made a couple of my own for characters in my books
and it seems that a lot of them really tend to dislike me when i inform them that yes, i created them and all their problems as a funny little story in my head. i mean, yeah, this would probably be a disconcerting realization, but come on!
apparently i'm very bad at making friends with my characters once they know this-- it might be that most of them are sassy bastards, or just that they know they're not real, but they've started to despise writers as a whole... one of them describes the creation of worlds in order to write stories as "vile."
not sure whether to laugh at this or sincerely apologize to them all :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:
This makes complete sense to me. Imagine if we humans found out we were AI characters in some imaginary universe, doomed to disease, destruction, and all the worst co could image because our struggles and conflicts made for a good story. Being human, we would come for revenge...

Be sure to turn off and unplug your computer at night, and put tape or something over the camera. They may be watching you...
Be sure to turn off and unplug your computer at night, and put tape or something over the camera. They may be watching you...
luckily for me, most of them inherited my trait of having an amusing lack of common sense. of course, there's the antagonist whom i have to worry about, but he seems pretty unfazed by the news. (he said, quote, "I guess this only supports my theory that nobody else is real, which means morals are arbitrary. Conclusion: Consequences aren't real and neither is crime. This opens a lot of new opportunities.")
i think i made him worse...
I agree about common sense. If humans had it, we would band together and live happily ever after. Not interesting stories...

Your antagonist sounds like a good Stoic gone bad. Or someone observing Indra's Net...
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