I like the new front page. I'd tweet it if there was a button. As there isn't, or at least, not at this time, maybe @AgentPete doesn't want it tweet-able.
On the new front page, Peter says that Literature is mostly About Sex, which gives me pause for thought.
So much hinges on it; sex as procreation is Life itself. Garden birds fight, even to the death in the case of robins, for territory. Without territory, the male bird won't get a mate. Death preoccupies Literature, as the frame of the canvas that is a life, and that canvas hangs next to other canvases, wall after wall in a continuing if not endless exhibition.
Life, Death, Sex and Desire, Identity, Territory, Belonging, Friendship....what would you say is the key central theme of your work in progress, or your finished work, if you had to put it in a nutshell? What are the experiences of the human condition that occupy your thinking, that made you want to write?
On the new front page, Peter says that Literature is mostly About Sex, which gives me pause for thought.
So much hinges on it; sex as procreation is Life itself. Garden birds fight, even to the death in the case of robins, for territory. Without territory, the male bird won't get a mate. Death preoccupies Literature, as the frame of the canvas that is a life, and that canvas hangs next to other canvases, wall after wall in a continuing if not endless exhibition.
Life, Death, Sex and Desire, Identity, Territory, Belonging, Friendship....what would you say is the key central theme of your work in progress, or your finished work, if you had to put it in a nutshell? What are the experiences of the human condition that occupy your thinking, that made you want to write?