Dear members,
This is my introductory post. I’m not convinced there’s any point in mentioning how nervous I am, but there it is: I am sweating bullets.
I have written a YA supernatural fantasy adventure novel for mature teens.
I wish I had found this forum back in September 2014 when I completed my manuscript and sent it off to 10 agents with high hopes. Only 1 responded semi-favourably (how embarrassing!). She said I had writing talent but she felt my sample was a little too full on; that it was trying to do too many things at once. She offered to take another look after I’d made changes. Now instead of believing in my own abilities, I spent £600 asking a literary consultancy to help me improve it. Needless to say it was a complete waste of money which resulted in a generic report filled with contradictions. I ended up feeling overwhelmed. I even thought about accepting that I just wasn’t good enough.
Did I learn my lesson?
Sadly, no. I spent a further £140 getting mentoring – which left me even more confused than before.
I guess what I’m looking for is like-minded people who could guide a newbie. I would really like an impartial opinion on whether my first 3 chapters are good or requiring more literary TLC. Could anyone advise me of what I should do?
Thanks for any responses.
This is my introductory post. I’m not convinced there’s any point in mentioning how nervous I am, but there it is: I am sweating bullets.
I have written a YA supernatural fantasy adventure novel for mature teens.
I wish I had found this forum back in September 2014 when I completed my manuscript and sent it off to 10 agents with high hopes. Only 1 responded semi-favourably (how embarrassing!). She said I had writing talent but she felt my sample was a little too full on; that it was trying to do too many things at once. She offered to take another look after I’d made changes. Now instead of believing in my own abilities, I spent £600 asking a literary consultancy to help me improve it. Needless to say it was a complete waste of money which resulted in a generic report filled with contradictions. I ended up feeling overwhelmed. I even thought about accepting that I just wasn’t good enough.
Did I learn my lesson?

I guess what I’m looking for is like-minded people who could guide a newbie. I would really like an impartial opinion on whether my first 3 chapters are good or requiring more literary TLC. Could anyone advise me of what I should do?
Thanks for any responses.
