Interrobangs anyone?

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Feb 25, 2015
At anchor, Bay of Islands, New Zealand
The erudite amongst you will no doubt know what the heading refers to. It was a new one on me. If you are interested in the history of punctuation and how it is still being developed - e.g. the irony mark - then have a listen to this from the BBC:

BBC Radio 4 - Word of Mouth, Punctuation

Sadly, it did not help me improve my punctuation. BTW, I'm not a BBC stooge. Living much of the time on a boat introduces one to esoteric entertainment downloading podcast for later offline amusement.
The erudite amongst you will no doubt know what the heading refers to. It was a new one on me. If you are interested in the history of punctuation and how it is still being developed - e.g. the irony mark - then have a listen to this from the BBC:

BBC Radio 4 - Word of Mouth, Punctuation

Sadly, it did not help me improve my punctuation. BTW, I'm not a BBC stooge. Living much of the time on a boat introduces one to esoteric entertainment downloading podcast for later offline amusement.
Your peripatetic marine lifestyle sounds so attractive! You must be very self-reliant -- not sure if I would trust myself to cope on the high seas...
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