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Service Update Iconic Book Covers Gallery


Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
The Iconic Book Covers gallery is going great guns:

I love the book covers that have been uploaded so far... it’s turning into a really valuable resource for those of us who need to think about our own book covers.

Please – when you upload an entry, will you add a few words of explanation and context? Why is this cover iconic for you? This really helps to provoke thought and discussion.

If you’ve already uploaded a few covers, please edit your entries to add this information.

And if you just want to browse and comment – go right ahead!
OK, here's what I ran into. Not allowing PDF's is a huge obstacle in sharing mood boards. None of my usual hacks work in capturing a whole image. Even a screen shot can't get the whole page I created and printed off as a sell sheet.

If there is an easier place to assemble mood boards I'm eager to learn, but what I do now doesnt work except to end up in PDF. I'm using my own pics... So what I get is having to do 2 screen shots to get the whole board or page.

When you attach files you only get one pic per that post so you cant assemble a board on your site either. Which would be a nice thing to have fun with. For example it's easier to have multiple pics on this post so you could assemble a mood board to try out.

Even here I'm only able to get partial bits and not the whole picture on screen shot form the PDF fileScreenshot 2024-07-28 at 11.17.23.pngScreenshot 2024-07-28 at 11.05.16.png
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OK, here's what I ran into. Not allowing PDF's is a huge obstacle in sharing mood boards. None of my usual hacks work in capturing a whole image. Even a screen shot can't get the whole page I created and printed off as a sell sheet.
Try now...
I'm in the middle of producing a mood board now. My idea is to create one in PowerPoint, and add jpeg pictures to it. I'm cropping the jpegs to fit in a sort-of mosaic... also sizing them to fit. Then adding text directly on to the PowerPoint. The idea I have is to then save the whole thing as a new jpeg to upload to the gallery. It's all digital.

As I say, not sure if it will work yet, but hey-ho, away we go.
I'm in the middle of producing a mood board now. My idea is to create one in PowerPoint, and add jpeg pictures to it. I'm cropping the jpegs to fit in a sort-of mosaic... also sizing them to fit. Then adding text directly on to the PowerPoint. The idea I have is to then save the whole thing as a new jpeg to upload to the gallery. It's all digital.

As I say, not sure if it will work yet, but hey-ho, away we go.
It ought to You can export each slide as a jpg which would work well.
So now you have it set up where you can load 3 images? I would like to add a pic to the board I have. It needs a pregnant refugee. Duh. I pulled some pics to my desktop, but cant get them onto the post. I want to add one of these..


  • women-refugees-papadopoulos-04-1602949377.jpg
    1.4 MB · Views: 1
  • th-3641621702.jpeg
    10.1 KB · Views: 0
  • th-1780004622.jpeg
    17.3 KB · Views: 0
I did get mine to upload in the end. In Jpeg. My husband did it in Word which I dont have because it messes ups my computer.
So here's the best thing to do re Mood Boards...

I’m going to delete the “Inspiring Mood Boards” gallery (along with its contents, btw, so make sure you have local copies).

“Albums” will now become “Albums and Mood Boards”. Mood boards are albums in any case.

You can create as many albums/mood boards as you want to.

Look at my sample mood board:

Test Mood Board

Note that you can make general comments on the overall mood board as well as on specific pics.

As far as the order of pics on mood boards is concerned - some mood boards don’t mind what order the visuals are viewed in, because they’re just trying to convey a general feeling.

With others, the order is important. So upload in reverse order (i.e. the last pic should be uploaded first).

Any probs, shout!
Is there a limit to 3 pics or is that just your sample? I know this is a hassle for you, but doing mood boards may call for a specific SHORT tutorial to let us see the parameters? We all have different computers and this requires a specific set up. Maybe Just a this you cant do -like pull images off the internet but unless they are so many kb? Just saying larger images doesnt help me determine what the criteria is.

Also list what you can do. Right now just put in a lot of images, but no text?

What is the purpose of the media option? Bringing things from your own social media?
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